Thursday, September 18, 2008

The BIRTHday!

On Sept. 17th many shared as I celebrated another year of life! I awoke to a beautiful sunny day filled with many birthday greetings, phone calls, text messages, cards, balloons, roses that won’t be long forgotten. Especially this email I received from a dear friend. It reads:

"On this day a couple of years ago, God had a queen debut who would bless people near and far through the gift of song and His Word. God has given her the gifts of discernment, speaking in tongues, preaching, prophesying and deliverance. He has also made her one of the most
beautiful women on this side of Jordan. Please help me to extend birthday blessings to Queen Bridgett Draper!"
-H. Stevens, Dallas, TX

Incredible! Earlier that morning in prayer I asked God for something I’ve not asked during any other birthday. What was it? I’m glad you asked! I simply asked God to bless those who celebrated through acknowledgement with an “exceeding abundantly above all you could ask or think” blessing. A God-sized blessing if you will. I was not prepared for what the day would hold.

As the day progressed, family and dear friends from near and far, unlikely co-workers, and even strangers gave birthday greetings/wishes that sent me into an orbit of praise! Unbeknown to them and unaware of what I had asked God in prayer, through their act of kindness they now positioned themselves for blessings to flood their lives. I smiled big and long as each came to me. The praise reports started rolling in immediately! One, in particular, I watch unfold.

I met a dear friend for lunch to celebrate who emailed me earlier with birthday greetings. She too was setting herself up for a God-sized blessing that would touch the both of us. While in route to Hopper’s Restaurant, one of the finest in Huntsville, AL serving down home southern cooked meals all at an affordable price, I placed call to ask her if she’ll be having sweet tea. “Sweet tea, please”, I heard her say. She again gave a birthday wish. I thanked her and begin to say “start thanking God for your bundles of joy”. I repeated “bundles of joy”. “Bundles of joy”. By this time, we were like God is up to something. I arrived. Found a table and proceeded to wait for her. A few minutes later she arrived. We greeted & hugged each other and started a wonderful celebration lunch. While eating, she begin to share her & her husband’s desire to have child; twins to be exact. As she spoke, tears fell from her eyes. They had battled a few years back with miscarriages but stood strong in faith. I too was touched and begin to shed tears.
What was God doing? We were about to soon find out. The Spirit of God came upon me and I lift my left hand and placed on her right shoulder. Speaking as God spoke, I spoke life to the situation commanding the body come into alignment with the Word of God. I’m sure those close to our table were like what’s going on? All we knew, God was doing something wonderful. As I ministered, God sent a pregnant lady to the food bar as confirmation. I showed my friend. Amazed, we took it all in. God even reminded us that we were there celebrating a “BIRTH”day, mine but it further confirmed & symbolized the promise. The month prior, we had rescheduled this lunch at least 3 times not knowing God’s perfect timing – to be on a “BIRTH” day celebration!

When God does a thing it’s done. His faithfulness is amazing. Never will birthdays be the “usual” instead, I’ll ask and watch Him move!

Oh, I'm still receiving birthday wishes...the celebration and blessings continue!!

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