Friday, December 14, 2007

Did You Ever Have A Day....

Did you ever have a day, when you thought you just might cry?

Did you ever have a day, in which you'd want to die?

Did you ever have a day, when life was much too real?

Did you ever have a day, when God's love you could not feel?

I've had some days like that, so hard and so intense.

The pain was overwhelming, so I jumped up on my fence.

And on the fence I sat, looking all around.

For God's love I could not feel, in my heart twas just not found!

I did not understand the pain, nor why I was not blessed.

I did not understand, it just might be a test.

I did not understand, how much I had to learn.

I did not understand, how hot the fires could burn!

So from my fence I called, crying out to see.

Calling out to God, "Have you no plan for me?"

And then my eyes were opened, God said He had a plan.

As He now pulled out my blueprints, and placed them in my hands!

The prints were very detailed, unlike any I had seen.

They had my heart and mind, and yes, even my knees.

Then God took my right hand, and placed it on my hair. He said, "For each strand that is growing, I've placed a number there!"

"Now open up your Bible, to Matthew 10 and 30.

"I know your every hair, even if it's dirty"

"If I have plans like this, on just how you were made"

"Have I not a plan, to keep you from Hell's grave?"

I was overwhelmed, the tears began to flow. I was wonderfully made, and every hair he knows.

For as my hairs are numbered, and as God cares that much. It's easy to believe, that I can trust his touch!

© Jay L. Zumbrum In Jesus Precious Name And for HIS Glory

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

2007 "Walking In Kingdom Authority" Western Caribbean Conference Cruise

I was blessed to have an invitation and attend this year's conference hosted by Cynthia P. Roberts Ministries. What an exciting time of worship, fellowship, and relaxation!

Don't miss the 2008 "Experiencing the Overflow" conference cruise as it sets sail for Grand Cayman Island.

For details go to

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Salvation Is such a simple plan.

It's the same for every woman and man.

You must believe He lived & died.

Your sins were forgiven cause He was crucified.

Do not lose hope, do not despair.

He is alive, He ascended into the air. Now repent of your sins & turn from these deeds.

Believe in Him for all your needs.

As you read & study you'll learn & grow.

God will reveal what you need to know.

The devil will try to bring worry & strife.

He will try to wreak havoc in your life.

So plant your feet firmly in the solid rock.

You now belong to the Shepherds flock.

Give Him the glory & praise for all that you do.

He will be with you & see you through.

Author Hollis R. Scales

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Power of Inspiration

by Rev. James M. Becher

INSPIRATION can be a powerful thing. It can keep you going when all around you cries out"quit!" It is even more powerful than motivation, as motivation gives you your basic reasons to keep going--it tells you why you want to do what you do, because motivation is based on goals. These, in turn, may be based on necessity want or desire. But inspiration fills those reasons with hope, possibility and enjoyment and keeps the "grind" from becoming too grindy.

But just what does inspiration consist of? I posit two elements: vision and mission. Proverbs 29:18 says 'Where there is no vision, the people perish." A vision is the first step toward turning your motivation into inspiration. A person with a vision sees down the road. He can sense what it will be like six weeks, six months, a year, two years, five years and more ahead.

But how do you get a vision?, you ask. First of all, you need to narrow your perspective. You can't attempt to "ride off in all directions at once," so to speak. Try to decide what it is you are looking for, so you'll know it when you see it. In other words, try to have in mind some general goals as to where you want to be six months a year, etc. from now. These goals will not only form the basis of your motivation but should also serve to limit to an extent the scope of your activity. Next, try to locate and choose an opportunity (business, career or job) which you feel is right for you. This may be easier said then done, as there are many choices which sound good. You may come upon an outstanding one right away, purely by chance. If so, latch onto it. But you will probably have to pick several at first and study the things which each one offers and try to evaluate the potential of each one as you see it. Settle on the one which you feel has the most potential with the least amount of hassle (preferably one that is totally Internet-driven as opposed to one where you have to spend time calling potential prospects by phone).

Once you have chosen your company, stand behind it in every way and don't quit or change your mind. B.C. Forbes said "Without loyalty, nothing can be accomplished in any sphere..." Think of yourself as being in it for the long haul, no matter what. And try to envision, based on what you know, how things will be down the road. Keep that picture before your mind, and never doubt. Napoleon Hill said "What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve," and the Bible says, in Hebrews 11:1 "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Once the vision is firmly implanted in your mind, let it become your driving force. Let the vision excite you with the possibility of its fulfillment and you will automatically begin the next step--you are on a mission.

Your mission is to bring about the realization of the vision. If you keep the vision in mind, you will move forward in the mission, accomplishing enthusiastically step by step that which is necessary to bring the vision into reality. You will have developed a sense of excitement, importance and urgency which will keep the fires of inspiration burning in your heart and moving you ever onward and upward.

Article written by Rev. James M. Becher, Bible teacher, author of "OF SUCH IS THE KINGDOM, A Novel of Biblical Times"

Friday, November 16, 2007

Bridgett Draper, Guest Psalmist @ Glory Train Ministries, Meansville, GA

August 31, 2007 was history making at Glory Train Ministries. Thanks to Pastor Tammy Gilstrap and the entire ministry team for an unforgettable night of sweet fellowship as the Spirit of God reigned! Here's a glimpse of that night....

Directions to Heaven

Make a right onto "Believeth Blvd." Keep straight through the first green light, which is Jesus Christ. Stay on "Believeth Blvd." until you reach the "Bridge of Faith", which is over troubled water. When you get off the bridge, make a right turn. You are on the "King's Highway"- Heaven Bound!

Keep on going for three miles: One for the Father, one for the Son, and one for the Holy Ghost. Then, exit off onto "Grace Blvd." Continue on "Grace Blvd." to "Gospel Lane" then make a right. Keep straight and then make another right on "Prayer Blvd".

As you go on your way, Yield not to the traffic on "Temptation Ave." Also avoid SIN STREET because it is a DEAD END. Pass up "Envy Drive", and "Hate Avenue." Also, pass "Hypocrisy Street", "Gossiping Lane", and Backbiting Blvd." But you do have to go down "Long suffering Lane,"Persecution Blvd.", and Trials and Tribulation Ave." But that's all right, because Victory Blvd. is straight ahead!

Follow these directions and you are sure to get there and right on time!

Oh, before I forget Goodness and Mercy is right behind you!!!

Author Unknown

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

"Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?"

By Beloved Brother, Pastor Eric Watt - Guest Writer

What about Halloween?... Should you and I be involved in the celebration of Halloween?

Finding the answer to this question has been an interesting journey in itself. I interviewed several people and then researched what many leading Christian writers, authors and spokesmen have written about the subject. I also searched various websites like,, and to read what others might be saying. What I found was an agreement on the origins of Halloween, but a mixture of recommendations about allowing our children to participate in this super-charged media driven holiday.

The origins of Halloween are Celtic in tradition and have to do with observing the end of summer sacrifices to gods in Druidic tradition. In what is now Britain and France, it was the beginning of the Celtic year, and they believed Samhain, the lord of death, sent evil spirits abroad to attack humans, who could escape only by assuming disguises and looking like evil spirits themselves. The waning of the sun and the approach of dark winter made the evil spirits rejoice and play nasty tricks. Believe it or not, most of our Halloween practices can be traced back to these old pagan rites and superstitions.

But what about today? Perhaps we can still learn from history. In the fourth century, Christians attempted to co-opt the holiday by celebrating the lives of faithful Christian saints the day before Halloween. This was a conscious attempt to provide an alternative and re-focus the day away from ghouls, goblins, ghosts, witches and other “haunted” experiences. Since that time many Christians have decided to allow their children to dress in more “innocent” costumes of pumpkins, princesses, Superman or as a cowboy. Part of this is due to the simple reality that in today’s Western culture it is nearly impossible to “avoid” Halloween.

Just before reaching a conclusion on the subject, I was struck with the thought that I ought to further my search and find out what Wicca, the official religion of witchcraft, has to say about Halloween. Perhaps they viewed the day as a simple fun and innocent neighborhood activity?

“Shock” is the only word to describe what I found. Halloween is a real, sacred day for those who follow Wicca. In fact, it is one of two high and holy days for them. The Celtic belief of spirits being released is current, along with the worship of Samhain (the lord of death) – both are promoted as something to embrace on that day. There is no question in my mind that to those who believe and follow the practices of witchcraft, Halloween represents an opportunity to embrace the evil, devilish, dark side of the spiritual world.

So after discovering this, what is a reasonable conclusion? As Christians you and I are placed in this world to be a light in a world of darkness. There is no lasting benefit to ignore a holiday that exists around us, but it also does harm to celebrate Halloween as it has originated and grown over the centuries.

My suggestion? Christians should be teaching their children (age appropriately) that:

  • there is a spiritual world filled with goodness from God and evil from Satan (Ephesians 2:1-10);

  • life with Christ has power over darkness (Ist John 4:4); and

  • those who celebrate Halloween either are unaware of its roots, or are intentionally promoting a world where evil is lauded and viewed as an ultimate power.

To counter the evil influence of Halloween, we need to join together and celebrate the reality of the heroic efforts of Christian saints over the evil in their day. Many leaders in the past -- and present -- have fulfilled the mandate of destroying the works of the devil through their sacrificial commitment to Christ and His Kingdom.

Too, rather than “hide” in the face of evil, we should unabashedly and boldly create an alternative that is positive and uplifting; that celebrates good over evil and the triumph of God over satan. We need to provide an environment that also makes room for heaps of fun while using the day as a “teachable moment” to celebrate God’s protection, provision and purpose for our lives.

Eric Watt is the Senior Pastor of Greenbrier Church in Chesapeake , VA. He also is the President of RUN Ministries, a global ministry committed to equip and empower first generation believers to bring the revelation of God and His kingdom to unreached peoples. Watt was privileged to serve as a Vice President of CBN in the mid-1990’s.

Harvest Festivals in Ancient Cultures:

Throughout the course of mankind's history, the Earth's bountiful harvest has been celebrated with ceremonies of giving thanks. Prior to the establishment of formal religions, many ancient tillers of the ground believed that their crops contained spirits...spirits which caused the crops to grow and to die. The belief was also strong that these spirits would be released when the crops were harvested. Therefore, they had to be destroyed or they would wreak revenge upon the harvesting farmers. Some of these ancient rituals celebrated the defeat of such spirits. As time went by the perspective shifted from rituals to defeat spirits to the realization that the fall harvest must take an agricultural society through winter, and thus is vitally important for survival.

A similar festival was held in Ancient Greece, in honor of the goddess who taught mankind to tend the soil, during a month known as Pyanopsion (Puanepsion), according to the lunisolar calendar of the Athenians. Since our calendar is solar, the month doesn't exactly match, but Pyanopsion would be, more or less, October into November.

The Roman celebration of Cerelia, a harvest festival, was dedicated to the honor of Ceres (Demeter). Daughter of Saturn and Ops, and the wife of Jupiter, she was their goddess of corn (from which the word cereal comes). The same Greek mythology of Proserpina (Prosphene) her daughter's abduction by Pluto (Hades) is also found in the Roman beliefs and forms the basis of Cerelia. It was also an autumnal festival held each year on October 4th but some put the date at April 12th and 14th, and hence coinciding with the arrival of spring with the return of Prosphene back to her mother Ceres. Whatever be the date offerings of the first fruits of the harvest and pigs were made to Ceres. The celebration included music, parades, games and sports and a thanksgiving feast.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Beautiful One-Liners (Part 2)

11. The church is prayer-conditioned.

12. When God ordains, He sustains.

13. WARNING: Exposure to the Son may prevent burning.

14. Plan ahead -- It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.

15. Most people want to serve God, but only in an advisory position.

16. Suffering from truth decay? Brush up on your Bible.

17. Exercise daily -- walk with the Lord.

18. Never give the devil a ride -- he will always want to drive.

19. Nothing else ruins the truth like stretching it.

20. Compassion is difficult to give away because it keeps coming back.

21. He who angers you controls you.

22. Worry is the darkroom in which negatives can develop.

23. Give Satan an inch & he'll be a ruler.

24. Be ye fishers of men -- you catch them & He'll clean them.

25. God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

What we do in life echoes in eternity....

Author Unknown

Friday, October 26, 2007

Beautiful One-liners (Part 1)

1. Give God what's right -- not what's left.

2. Man's way leads to a hopeless end -- God's way leads to an endless hope.

3. A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing.

4. He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.

5. In the sentence of life, the devil may be a comma -- but never let him be the period.

6. Don't put a question mark where God puts a period.

7. Are you wrinkled with burden? Come to the church for a face-lift.

8. When praying, don't give God instructions - just report for duty.

9. Don't wait for six strong men to take you to church.

10. We don't change God's message -- His message changes us.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The 7 Ups!

1. Wake Up!!

Decide to have a good day.

"This is the day the Lord hath made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Psalms 118:24

2. Dress Up!!

The best way to dress up is to put on a smile.
A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.

"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.
Man looks at outward appearance,
but the Lord looks at the heart."

I Samuel 16:7

3. Shut Up!!

Say nice things and learn to listen.
God gave us two ears and one mouth,
so He must have meant for us to do
twice as much listening as talking.

"He who guards his lips guards his soul."

Proverbs 13:3

4. Stand Up!!

. . . for what you believe in.
Stand for something or you will fall for anything.

"Let us not be weary in doing good;
for at the proper time,
we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Therefore, as we have opportunity,
let us do good..."

Galatians 6:9-10

5. Look Up !!

. . . to the Lord.

"I can do everything
through Christ
who strengthens me".

Philippians 4:13

6. Reach Up !!

. . . for something higher.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not unto your own understanding.
In all your ways, acknowledge Him,
and He will direct your path."

Proverbs 3:5-6

7. Lift Up !!

. . . your Prayers.

"Do not worry about anything;

Philippians 4:6

A Positive Thought

If God had a refrigerator,
your picture would be on it.
If He had a wallet,
your photo would be in it.

He sends you flowers every spring,
and a sunrise every morning.

Whenever you want to talk,
He'll listen.

He could live anywhere in the universe,
and He chose your heart.

God Answers Knee-Mail.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Brandon and the Neighbor, (a true story as told by N. Chillers)

My sister shared a story with me yesterday about her 6 year old son, Brandon, and the next door neighbor. I shared the story with co-workers, and they encouraged me to put in the form of email to be shared with others.

Brandon takes the dog out every morning around 7:00 a.m. While taking the dog out on Wednesday morning, Brandon sings, "I love you! I love you! I love you, Lord, today! Because you cared for me, in such a special way! That's why I praise you, I lift you up, I magnify your name! That's why my heart is filled with praise!"

Thursday evening, the neighbor came by a testified that while Brandon is singing the song, she can hear him when she's in the bathroom. Overwhelmed with raising 3 teenagers, and problems at work, the neighbor becomes fill with the spirit and begins to cry and worship right there in her bathroom. From there, she takes it to work with her, share her testimony with a colleague, and they both become filled with the spirit. She kept singing the song all day. The next morning (Friday), she waited in the bathroom to hear Brandon sing his song, and, sure enough, he sang the same song the very next day.

She came next door to share with my sister and my mother about how she heard Brandon singing, and that she was filled with the spirit that carried her through those two days. She also began to testify about raising her kids, and work, and how overwhelmed she had been, and began to cry and worship right there with them.

That is awesome!

Author N. Chillers

Friday, October 19, 2007

Everyone Can't Be in the Front Row

Life is a theater - invite your audience carefully. Not everyone is holy enough and healthy enough to have a front row seat in our lives. There are some people in your life that need to be loved from a distance.

It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go, or at least minimize your time with draining, negative, incompatible, not-going-anywhere relationships/friendships/fellowships!

Observe the relationships around you.

Pay attention. Which ones lift and which ones lean? Which ones encourage and which ones discourage? Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are going downhill? When you leave certain people, do you feel better or feel worse? Which ones always have drama or don't really understand, know and appreciate you and the gift that lies within you?

The more you seek God and the things of God... the more you seek quality, the more you seek not just the hand of God but the face of God... the more you seek things honorable...the more you seek growth, peace of mind, love and truth around you, the easier it will become for you to decide who gets to sit in the FRONT ROW and who should be moved to the balcony of your life. You cannot change the people around you...but you can change the people you are around! Ask God for wisdom and discernment and choose wisely the people who sit in the front row of your life.

Author Unknown

"If you don't think this is a good day,
just try missing one."

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

All I Need

When going through difficult times, have you ever looked to the Bible as a source of inspiration, encouragement, strength, and comfort? Why not?

There is no better place to find it! While there are numerous inspirational verses in the Bible, there is one in particular that I want to bring your attention to.

"Deep in my heart I say, 'The Lord is all I need; I can depend on Him.' " - Lamentations 3:24 (CEV)

This is short, but it is extremely powerful! No matter what you are facing, this is wonderful encouragement.

You or someone very close has been diagnosed with cancer. "The Lord is all I need; I can depend on Him."

You've just lost your job. "The Lord is all I need; I can depend on Him."

You're having trouble with a concept at work or a class at school. "The Lord is all I need; I can depend on Him."

You are having marital problems. "The Lord is all I need; I can depend on Him."

You are in a compromising situation and you're being tempted to sin. "The Lord is all I need; I can depend on Him."

Your children keep getting in trouble and don't want to listen to you. "The Lord is all I need; I can depend on Him."

Everything is falling apart (your furnace, your appliances in your house, your car, etc.) and you don't have money to get it all fixed. "The Lord is all I need; I can depend on Him."

God is always there for you and wants to help you. You just need to depend on Him!

Author Unknown

Monday, October 15, 2007

Not Yet!

Sometimes I ask the question,
"My Lord, is this your will?"
It's then I hear you answer me,
"My Precious still."

Sometimes I feel frustrated,
cause I think I know what's best.
It's then I hear you say to me,
"My Busy Child...just rest!"

Sometimes I feel so lonely and
I think I'd like a mate.
Your still small voice gets oh
so clear and says,
"My Child...please wait!"
"I know the plans I have for you,
the wondrous things you'll see;
If you can just be patient, Child,
and put your trust in me.

I've plans to draw you closer.
I've plans to help you grow.
There's much I do you cannot
see and much you do not know.

But know this, Child...I LOVE YOU.
You are Precious unto Me.
Before I formed you in the womb,
I planned your destiny.
I've something very special
I hope for you to learn.

The gifts I wish to give to you
are gifts you cannot earn.
They come without a price tag,
but not without a cost; at Calvary,
I gave My Son, so You would not be lost.

Rest Child, and do not grow weary
of doing what is good.
I promise I'll come back for you
just like I said I would.

Your name is written on my palm,
I never could forget; Therefore,
do not be discouraged when my answer is...
"Not Yet!"

~Author Unknown~

Friday, October 12, 2007

Wisdom Words

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
Proverbs 18:21

* Speak words of success not defeat. Your words carry “life” or “death”.

* Give your dreams faith food; never allow negative words from your mouth to kill your dreams

* Search God’s word to find out what He says and speak it!

* Prepare for your present and future by speaking His promises on a continually basis

* Write affirmations and post for daily viewing and verbal confession.

Watch your words become actions, your actions become steps, and your steps produce your dreams!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My Tongue is My Worst Enemy

There is power to create conditions in your life. So watch what you speak about. What you speak, you bring about!!!!!!

If you keep saying you can't stand your job,

you might lose your job.

If you keep saying you can't stand your body,

your body can become sick.

If you keep saying you can't stand your car,

your car could be stolen or just stop operating.

If you keep saying you're broke,
guess what? You'll always be broke.

If you keep saying you can't trust a man or trust a woman, you will always find someone in your life to hurt and betray you.

If you keep saying you can't find a job,
you will remain unemployed.

If you keep saying you can't find someone to love you or believe in you, your very thought will attract more experiences to confirm your beliefs.

If you keep talking about a divorce or break up in a relationship, then you might end up with it.

Turn your thoughts and conversations around to be more positive and power packed with faith, hope, love and action.

Don't be afraid to believe that you can have what you want and deserve.

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settle for.

Thought I would share this with you:

"In the search for me, I discovered truth.
In the search for truth, I discovered love.
In the search for love, I discovered GOD.
And in God, I have found Everything."

Watch how your circumstances and situations begin to change when you change the way you speak.

"Life is like melted butter. . .once things cool down, it can be reshaped!"

Be Blessed.

Prayer: God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference. Amen

Friday, September 14, 2007

I Refuse to Be Discouraged

I refuse to be discouraged,
to be sad, or to cry;
I refuse to be down-hearted,
and here's the reason why...

I have a GOD who's Mighty,
who's Sovereign and Supreme.
I have a GOD who loves me,
and I am on HIS team.

HE is all Wise and Powerful,
Though everything is changeable,
my GOD remains the same.

My GOD knows all that's happening;
beginning to the end,
HIS Presence is my comfort,

When sickness comes to weaken me,
to bring my head down low,
I call upon my Mighty GOD;
into HIS arms I go.

When circumstances threaten,
to rob me of my peace,
HE draws me close unto HIS breast;
where all my strivings cease.

When my heart melts within me,
and weakness takes control;
HE gathers me into HIS arms,
HE soothes my heart and soul.

The great "I AM" is with me,
my life is in HIS hand;
The "GOD OF JACOB" is my Hope,
it's in HIS strength I stand.

I Refuse to be defeated,
my eyes are on my GOD;
HE has promised to be with me,
as through this life I trod.

I'm looking past all circumstance,
to Heaven's throne above;
My prayers have reached the heart of GOD, I'm resting in HIS love.

I give GOD thanks in everything,
my eyes are on HIS face;
The Battle's HIS, the Victory mine,
HE'LL help me win life's race.

Copyright © 1991-1992 Lita Kurtzer. All rights reserved. Published by permission.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


For the Week . . .

Philippians 4:13 -- "for days to come"

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."

The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Graves, caution lights called Family. You will have flats called Jobs.

But, if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, a driver called Jesus, you will make it to a place called Success.

Author Unknown

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Giving God Your Presence

How do you live in God's presence? How do you detect His unseen hand on your shoulder and His inaudible voice in your ear? A sheep grows familiar with the voice of the shepherd. How can you and I grow familiar with the voice of God? Here are a few ideas:

  • Give God your waking thoughts. Before you face the day, face the Father. Before you step out of bed, step into his presence. I have a friend who makes it a habit to roll out of his bed onto his knees and begin his day in prayer. Personally, you don't have to go that far. With your head still on the pillow and your eyes still closed, offer God the first seconds of your day. The prayer is not lengthy and far from formal. Depending on how much sleep you had, it may not even be intelligible. Often it's nothing more than "Thank you for a night's rest. I belong to you today."

  • Give God your waiting thoughts. Spend time with Him in silence. The mature married couple has learned the treasure of shared silence; they don't need to fill the air with constant chatter. Just being together is sufficient. Try being silent with God. "Be still, and know that I am God" (Ps. 46:10 NIV). Awareness of God is a fruit of stillness before God.

  • Give God your whispering thoughts. Through the centuries Christians have learned the value of brief sentence prayers, prayers that can be whispered anywhere, in any setting.

    Imagine considering every moment as a potential time of communion with God. By giving God your whispering thoughts, the common becomes uncommon. Simple phrases such as "Thank you, Father," "Be sovereign in this hour, O Lord," "You are my resting place, Jesus" can turn a commute into a pilgrimage. You needn't leave your office or kneel in your kitchen. Just pray where you are. Let the kitchen become a cathedral or the classroom a chapel. Give God your whispering thoughts.

  • And last, give God your waning thoughts. At the end of the day, let your mind settle on Him. Conclude the day as you began it: talking to God. Thank Him for the good parts. Question Him about the hard parts. Seek His mercy. Seek His strength. And as you close your eyes, take assurance in the promise: "He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep" (Psalms 121:4 NIV). If you fall asleep as you pray, don't worry. What better place to doze off than in the arms of your Father?

Source: Susan Niklas at

Monday, August 27, 2007

Teach Me How to Love You - for Real

The recent harrowing events in the lives of two of Christendom’s internationally known and beloved power couples have left many uneasy and in a quandary. Prophetess Juanita Bynum and Bishop Thomas W. Weeks II (husband) recently shocked the world with reports of domestic abuse and terrorist threats between the two. Mega church Pastors, Randy and Paula White, of Tampa’s Without Walls International Church recently announced their decision to split as both have spent considerable time apart building other ministries in New York and California as reported by ABC Action

As I loomed over the many media reports and personal commentaries, my heart grew sad and mourned for these individuals, their families and more importantly the lives this will negatively impact. How do you go from preaching a riveting-up-in-your-face message of “Teach Me How to Love You” to literally thousands to becoming a negative statistic of your own message? How do you manage through Godly wisdom to save the marriages of others when yours simply die? Why is this happening? What went wrong? Is not God - God?

In these two high profile cases, our human instincts and curiosity as well as our affinity for gossip often lead to disillusionment. I felt the need to speak in an effort to bring solace to the hearts of those who like me ask the question “Why”? If marriage doesn’t work in the lives of those who know and preach God’s word then why should I bother to embrace? Should I just listen to God’s Word coming through them but close my eyes and ears to their personal lives? What would Jesus do? Think about this…God never asked us to put all trust and confidence in man. Why? He’s not God.

So if a marriage fails, financial trouble arises, or if issues of morality surfaces -you won’t lose your faith in God. Take note that if we constantly and intentionally “look unto Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith” we can avoid the all too common trap the enemy uses when cases like this rock our world involving mammon (money), pride, fame, selfishness, self righteousness, and immorality. We are to love man but trust God. Let me say that again. We are to love man but trust God. Why? Because God is unchanging and faithful.

I’ve learned to never place God’s people on pedestals who are human and subject to error. I learn to respect and give honor to whom and where it’s due but never to exalt a man, woman, or anything else above God. God doesn’t share His glory with no one – He’s a jealous God! We are admonished to continuously pray for and encourage one another; that includes Prophetess Juanita Bynum, Bishop Thomas Weeks, Jr., Randy & Paul White and others in high public demand and view.

What transpires in the days ahead will prove to be pivotal in their ministries. Will there be reconciliation? A change of heart? Will this greatly affect Kingdom work by the “falling away” and the “never stepping forward of some of the lost”? Only if we as Christians stand idle and not engage in united fasting and prayer, constant dedication to God and His leading to remain focused. We must be determined and not easily moved by the ploys of the enemy who know his time is short.

Let’s lift these individuals, their families, and ministries in prayer that what the devil meant for evil God will turn into good.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Your Best Life Now!

"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."

John 10:10

Have you ever sat back and evaluated your life from birth until now? Took a walk down memory lane? Did you run into those times in life where you didn’t want to remember because the pain was so bad? Or times when joy filled your life and you wanted it to never end? I’m sure you can think of times when it took all you had just to survive. I find myself at times, on many of these "memory trips".

I can vividly remember times of grave distress when I experienced the death of a loved one. The pain of emptiness as I tried to come to grips with their absence. Or the time when sickness entered my body and fear reared its ugly head again.

One guarantee is that if you live, life will happen! But do we have a choice in the matter? Can we buy exemptions from life happening to us? What is the secret to living and living your best life? Is it a matter of choice or is it predestined?

It was once said that to enjoy life is to have the best life. What exactly is the best life? Glad you asked. "Best" is defined as "the highest quality and superiority available", according to Webster's Dictionary. The best life involves having a quality attitude and making superior life choices instead of relying on external variables such as money, success or fame.

If I’d asked you the question, "Would you like a million dollars"?, I’d probably get an emphatic "Yes!" Visions of no more money worries or "I can retire now!" will dance in your head. Your yes was actually a decision. A decision to chose relief or best in life.

Now imagine this life situation. Your mate has just informed you of a secret affair. Divorce is inevitable. You feel betrayed, devalued, and violated. You’re left alone to pick up the pieces. The road to healing and recovery is painful at best. What do you do? Do you give up? Call it quits? Throw in the towel or do you choose the better - to live and create an exciting future. Life goes on but not without you making the decision to.

Attitude and choice is the power team combination that propels one to living your best life now! To experience, you must look to the real source of life. Many think there are many ways to achieve but real men and women carry the secret inside. They have a relationship with God, the author and creator of life, who enables and empowers.

Their attitude of dependence, faith, and confidence yields the fruits of the best life – joy, peace, success, longevity, and yes prosperity. It’s a process so they take one day at a time. With discipline, dedication, and persistence they soon reap the harvest of their labor.

I challenge you to stop, look, revisit, meditate, formulate, reciprocate and then partake of the Heavenly – the secret to living your best life now!

© 2007 Bridgett Draper Ministries

Note: Reproduction of this material is expressly prohibited without the expressed written permission of the author.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It’s for a Reason

People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.

When you know which one it is,
you will know what to do for that person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON,
it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.

They have come to assist you through a difficulty,
to provide you with guidance and support,
to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a Godsend and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.

Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or
at an inconvenient time, this person will say or
do something to bring the relationship to an end.

Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.

What we must realize is that our need has been met,
our desire fulfilled, their work is done.

The prayer you sent up has been answered
and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON,
because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson,
love the person, and put what you have learned
to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.

It is said that love is blind but friendship is true.

Thank you for being a part of my life,
whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Meet Psalmist Bridgett Draper at Glory Train Ministries on August 31, 2007!

Coming to Meansville, Georgia August 31, 2007!

I will be the guest of Pastor T. Gilstrap and Glory Train Ministries in Meansville, Georgia on August 31, 2007.

You don't want to miss this awesome outpouring of Holy Spirit that night!

Make plans now to attend and bring as many family members and friends with you as you can pack in the car! Surely you will leave knowing it was good to have been in the house of the Lord!

One Night Only!!!

Doors Will Open at: 6:30 p.m.
with service starting promptly at 7:00 P.M.

. . . Raise your level of expectation.

Your miracle is waiting on you!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Meet Bridgett Draper and Her Ministries

Bridgett Draper, a native of Huntsville, Alabama, is the third child out of five. Growing up in a strong Christian home afforded her the blessings of establishing a strong love for God and the importance of Holy living at a very young age. She and her siblings were groomed for ministry and with an Evangelist/Pastor Father and Prophetess Mother, training literally started from the womb. The call was evident as the siblings labored in the vineyard as Father traveled to preach the gospel "In the world" God called him and as mother teaching and training usin the way we should go. This love affair with God charted the course of destiny, one in which has taken her across the country ministering through song and the Word.

With Joseph's spirit of excellence and passion of the Apostle Paul, Bridgett is dedicated and devoted to the things of God and His people. She is the founder of Bridgett Draper Ministries, currently based in Huntsville, Alabama. BDM is Kingdom-focused and operates under a prophetic and deliverance anointing to affect eternal change through the ministry of teaching/mentoring, prophetic song and utterances that reveals the very heart and mind of God. Her ministry has been recognized as being revelant, real, and anointed. She is a charter founding and faithful member of Greater Harvest Church of God In Christ under the pastorate of Superintendent Herbert Freeman, Jr. who styles her ministry as "anointed and appointed".

In October 2004, Bridgett recorded a demo entitled "I Love You, Lord, Today". To date, God has powerfully used this simple recording to bless countless lives in the United States, the Caribbean, and Nigeria. Testimonies of healing, deliverance, and salvation were reported. There is more from this gifted singer/songwriter that God will birth in the coming days. She ministers in song as a Spirit-led worshipper with a strong prophetic flow as God's mouthpiece.

The ministries of Bridgett Draper exudes purity of spirit and bears the mark of true humility, servanthood, and excellence. Her realness and sold-out to Jesus status is in demand and currently sought by ministries in tuned with the move of God. Her heart of compassion ministers to those down-trodded, rejected and guilt-ridden.

Through overcoming personal adversities, she can relate to many and offer the healing balm of God’s Word. After experiencing the power, anointing, and right now word from this yielded vessel of honor, you’ll forever be changed.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Welcome to Bridgett Draper Ministries

"Go ye therefore and teach all nations ..." Matthew, 28:19

Kingdom greetings and welcome!

We greet you in the wonderful name of Jesus. I'm excited the Holy Spirit has directed you here today.

Bridgett Draper Ministries are called of God to release Biblical truths that charts the course to destiny. A revelant word for a revelant day and a revelant people. It is apparent we live in the End Times and God's people must be active, knowledgeable, and positioned so that His will can be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

The Bridgett Draper Ministries are Kingdom-focused and operate under a prophetic and deliverance anointing to affect eternal change through the ministry of teaching/mentoring, prophetic song and utterances that reveals the very heart and mind of God. It is with the spirit of excellence, true humility of servanthood, and heavenly accountability that we fulfill our assignment on the earth to impact nations for Jesus Christ.

I'd love to meet you. I pray Jesus will divinely connect us for His glory!

His Love and Mine,

Bridgett Draper